Anonymous Moment 5

I was born with major medical problems that required five open heart surgeries among other things.  My faith was really strong up until high school when the, ‘why me’ attitude started to kick in.  The inability to do some things that my peers were able to do.  Coupled with, completely unrelated, bullying made me doubt the existence of God.  I was super shy and unconfident in high school and one of my “friends” bullied me for being quiet.  She even talked to the school guidance councilor because she thought I had anti-social disorder.  Being in psychology I knew what that disorder was.  And I didn’t have it.  But I wasn’t about to give her a lesson in psychology.  I haven’t talked to her since and I think she had a little run in with the law after graduation.  But I am not sure where she is now.

It wasn’t until Adoration during a school retreat that I gave my life to God.  Even though I grew up Catholic.

A few years later, during community college, my faith started to waver again.  Then I went to a Nazarene University.  Nothing against Nazarenes, I had them in my family.  But I have never seen so many anti-Catholics in my life.  Most of them didn’t think we were considered Christians and my religion class turned into a Catholic bashing session.  I think God put me in that school for that year for a reason.  I started to research and learn more about my Catholic faith and started to believe in Catholicism more and more. Continue reading

Anonymous Moment 4

I should begin by saying that, in my life, I have been incredibly blessed. God gave me wonderful parents who raised me in the Catholic faith. I’ve attended Sunday mass with my family for as long as I can remember. They sent me to Catholic schools and were amazing role models of what it means to live a life for God.

When I went to college, I began going to mass less and less. Not necessarily because I didn’t want to, but because I had gotten so busy and didn’t make time for God. My faith had never been completely my responsibility until that point in my life. Prior to that, I’d always had my parents and teachers guiding me; I had the sacraments offered to me at school and had classes concerning the Catholic faith on a daily basis. Once I got to college, however, it was my responsibility to continue learning about and practicing my faith.

Also around that time, I had an injury that prevented me from running college cross- country, which for me felt like my life was over. I placed so much of my identity in my ability to do well in that sport, and when I wasn’t able to run it felt like I didn’t know who I was. I had planned this future for myself- dream school, college running career, a chosen major. Continue reading

Drew’s Moment

I was always raised up in a Catholic family that went to church every Sunday. When my addiction started talking over I completely lost all faith and belief in a god. I instead blamed him for everything that had went wrong in my life and the only time I talked to god was when I wanted him to get me outta a situation alive or get me out of jail. It was always wanting unrealistic demands from him.  Then one day after another horrible night, my addiction ended me up in jail. I made a decision I didn’t want to live this way anymore. I knew I couldn’t stop using drugs on my own and began to turn my life over to GOD! Continue reading

Anonymous Moment 3

Come To Jesus Moments

            I grew up in a Christian home where we went to Church and Sunday school every Sunday. We also attended Bible school every summer.

            When I was 5 years old, I was at Bible school at our Church. At the end of every day our teachers had us bow our heads and close our eyes to pray. On this particular day our teacher said if anyone wanted to accept Jesus as their Savior to raise their hand. I knew then that this is what I wanted, so I raised my hand. The teacher came and prayed with me. Then she said I should tell someone what I did. When I got home I told my mom, she was happy, but being on a farm and a big family, she was also very busy. Continue reading

Lex’s Moment

Come To Jesus MomentsI grew up in a very strong christian home. Both of my parents were church leaders in a church they had started. I excepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at young age because it was the “thing to do”. Through junior high and up until the summer after my junior year of high school I struggled with my faith. I went to church every Sunday and Wednesday night because it was the “thing to do”. That summer at a bible camp in small group I was ask the question “what do you believe” not what your parents believe or how you were raised but what do You believe. I could not answer the question. I felt a pain in my heart that I couldn’t describe. From that point on it was my mission to grow in my faith and learn “what I believe”. Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

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Kelsey S. – Moment

Forever God is Faithful

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

-1 Corinthians 10:13

At a very young age, I was very fortunate to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. However, being the “Christian Girl” was added to the long list of labels I received in my small, ND high school. No matter what I did to try to fit in, I never seemed to be good enough. Continue reading

Anonymous Moment 2

My come to Jesus moment that I’d like to share was more of a wake-up call for me. It was an incident that was subtle, but I’ve never forgotten it.

I grew up in a faithful family where we attended Catholic Mass every weekend. I never really ever wanted to go but my parents always made me. After graduating from high school, I moved away from home and started my independent life which included no Mass on Sundays. Continue reading

Annie A. – Moment

Playing to Please Others

By: Annie

        Sports have played a significant role in my life for as long as I can remember. My parents introduced me, starting at a young age, to nearly every sport out there.  I tried a lot of them, liked a few of them, and loved one of them.  My passion was volleyball.  I began playing competitively in the fourth grade, and continued throughout my high school years.  It wasn’t until my senior year that the thought of college volleyball ever crossed my mind.  However, I wasn’t sure if that was what I really wanted.  I loved the sport, but I had a lot of doubts and uncertainty of whether or not I wanted to pursue my volleyball career at the next level.  Yet, despite these emotions, I decided to give it a try.  Continue reading

Anonymous Moment 1

LogoI am so thankful to God and the power, love, compassion, and goodness He has over this world and furthermore for my life!!!

My path to God from the beginning has been a winding one, even though I grew up in church. My church did not have a very active faith. As a young boy I underwent a surgery that started a life of sexual experimentation. The first sexual experience I ever had was in kindergarten. One of my classmates and I started to show each other our privates. Later she and I got caught because of this and because of my learning/speech disability I was held back and had to retake kindergarten. This was the first time I got in trouble for doing anything with a girl. Continue reading

Stephen G. – Moment

Come To JesusHere’s my story of how I came to know Jesus! My story starts before I was born. My parents both grew up filling a pew on Sundays but that was the extent. Both of my parents grew up pursuing their own dreams, but neglected to surrender everything to Jesus. My dad grew up with uncles and cousins who encouraged him to drink alcohol in which lead to my dad occasionally drinking with friends. Nearly 27 years ago though, my dad’s friend invited him to a service in which he accepted Jesus into his life and began a new journey together! They were both baptized in the Holy Spirit (following the Biblical pattern of the Acts church), and had their lives radically changed. Continue reading

Courtney O. – Moment

Come To JesusI’m Courtney and I grew up with a Christian family. I went to church weekly as a kid and tried to follow the church rules. I knew in my head God was alive, but lived as if he was dead or nonexistent, I guess you could say I didn’t know in my heart He was real. Then, in 8th grade I felt God’s presence during a church retreat worship service. It’s hard to explain God’s presence, but for me it was an overwhelming understanding of God’s love for me. I knew he was real, and I cried my eyes out over how much he loved me. Continue reading

Vincent K’s Moment

Do you ever remember feeling this deep, dark hole in your heart that just can’t be filled, no matter how much you try?

My story began when I was a Junior in High School. I was the typical High Schooler. I played all the sports, hung out with the “cool” kids and even dabbled in some drinking. But it was when I was at my low point in life that I turned my life to God. Continue reading

Rob S’s Moment

I am 47 years old, married for 25 years and have 3 great children. Throughout my life I have had several come to Jesus moments were I have felt the presence through me and/or lead me in a certain direction. When I was in Junior High I attended Fellowship Of Christian Athletes, one weekend we stayed at a cabin and it was a great experience talking with the councilors one on one and learning about God . On the last night we reenacted the Lords Supper and had Communion all together as a group. I remember an overwhelming sense of Peace and Joy come through me and I knew we were not alone and God was there with us during this special moment.

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Zach J’s Moment

Come To Jesus MomentsAlways Remember

Matthew 7:7″Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

            This is a true story about how Jesus renewed my faith by going through a near-death experience. Now, I’ve always accepted Jesus in my life and felt that He loved me. My parents raised me to never doubt the teachings of Jesus and to always be faithful to Him. But unfortunately, every once in a while I fall into a rut. This was a big moment that changed my life forever. Continue reading

Joe H’s Moment

            I’m a college student at NDSU and have been active in my faith life ever since the second semester of my freshman year, but that’s an entirely different story in itself. Since then, many miracles have happened in my life. I guess you could say I’ve had many Come to Jesus Moments, probably because I have made many mistakes and am waiting for the day when I learn to live as the Saints did, very righteously. Until then, I guess I’ll keep making my mistakes (hopefully fewer and fewer of them) and praying that God will show me something good that can come from them.

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Kelsie T’s Moment

Come To Jesus MomentsNever Forget How Much You are Loved

You are not alone when it comes to the deep desires of your heart.  It took me a very long time to realize that all people are searching for the same feeling of completion and love.

During my early high school years, I developed a bad case of acne. Since physical appearance was extremely important to me, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.

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